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Oct 2017
I miss those days
when there was naivety
and a colorful
of gleaming fireworks
inside my eyes.

Armed with nothing
but a gameboy
and a flashlight,
I embark on epic quests
to save the world
even after bedtime.
I was a rebel, you see.
Nothing could stop me
from freeing this land
from the reign of tyranny!

But videogames
meant nothing
in the "real world".

If those games
were realistic,
it meant that
you won't always
win the heart
of the person you love.
The gold you earn
from epic quests
would be taxed
by a greedy king.
And those majestic forests
that teems with
a variety of zany creatures,
rumors, and mystery
would be replaced
with brick and mortar.

I don't even
want to save
the world anymore.
I just want
to save myself.
Maybe I grew old.

Maybe the little prince inside
already died.
Written by
Emmanuel  22/M/PH
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