I know I won't get as angry I want to be, And I'll regret me, Because I'm never able to do it; She always changes something, Somehow it always gets better for her, But it just gets worse for me. I just become more guilty, Even only by listening.
I feel like I can never really express my feelings, Yet I still seem to do it too much, Then I still fall. So many things are happening, This always repeats; It has horrible timing. If ignorance is a good thing, Why is it so hard to actually Keep it?
And I keep picturing loads of the same things. When I'm not sure what I feel, Maybe I hide from it. I peak and when I see I can no longer believe So I just wait to weep. I've no clue what to say, Without any more delay, I'll race through the page, Give it all a way In factual content: I'll probably seem fine. But it's not that way at all.