Your eyes tell a story And I just want to listen But the way your lips are moving It's making everything confusing Your eyes are screaming There must be so much pain But the smile that's always on those lips Makes it hard to hear but when they slip I can listen well And I can hear the words your lips never tell I can see in your eyes And I think I'm beginning to realize Who you really are Its not all that hard You just have to shut your ears And spot out the lies You paint for everyone to see And just look at your eyes Which have meant so much to me And slowly I see Who you really are And I don't know the full picture And I can't pretend to know you well But its not like That isn't the intention But I want to get past This constant mask And see into your eyes And have your lips and eyes match And be able to tell when they don't
So many people feel they have to hide their pain and their scars and who they really are. But those are often the most beautiful parts of a person and once you can see those parts you know who the person really is.