What is love Baby don't hurt me Baby don't hurt me no More
Didn't you see the ditch While walking the pitch Dark it was , was it ? Or the heart and the mind Went blind
You took the stroll Ah that Rock and Roll Not realising the Pitch leading to the ditch
Lost in each other's eyes Didn't notice One of the two, Suffered from sore eyes Infecting the other .
What is love Baby don't hurt me Baby don't hurt me no More Still singing the song?
Falling in love , falling apart and then all the heartbreak . It doesn't stop at that. One of my friend's son recently had a break up with his girlfriend , all this while in important academic year , losing the year , that put me off. This is an old write 13th July .
Now both the boy and girl are doing well.
'What is Love' -- Haddaway . Lovely song played in my mind so used words from it .