They spend their days applauding the rich To keep them off the streets and make use of their glitch Is it a disability or a glitch that snatches away their rights Or that keeps off the sky to reach the city of lights Where a baby can be born without a risk of a bad eye By the simple gesture of clap turned bad whereas the birth of the baby should be celebrated with cheer and rye But I guess that’s just the humor thicked with wryness But we find many a homosexual whom we kindly and unknowingly address as Your Highness The abundance of homosexual conquests to give away any hope of the lord to ignorantly receive him Chopping off their manhood with a sword at every whim In the bloodiest fashion reminiscent of all that’s wrong in the universe If we could just find a reverse It isn’t just the transgendered who feel the curse of their face What about the acid victims bluntly speaking who won’t make it in the rat race The media may portray them as heroines But when the danger is past their past leads to what is simply a couple of street coins It’s all in a visage The idea of making money right is just a mirage It falters with circumstance and birth right If you were born developed enough for this world success is in your sight Looks like transgender people have no place to go The government should know So why not the army so they can push the agenda of war too But it seems like they have no country to fight for you So don’t be afraid of them They are born at the hem Of a ship that signals a rough life that doesn’t soothe by a deep REM sleep So they aren't any less capable because they still deal with deeply rooted social stigmas that would make anyone working through that weep
This is my fireback to support Transgenders in the face of Trump's fire.