In my shamanic experiences, as a healer, this aboriginal 12 beat form and its message of our primary cosmic relationship to SUN helps with activation/remembrance, drawing forward, little by little, our awareness of our heart's desire, our service mindedness, our loving nature. Opens the question: How May I Serve?
Do you wish to change? Bring awareness to the natural power you already have through your bodymind & SUN relationship? Uncover your soul's unique purpose?
Think this magical sentence while walking at slow tempo, medium and uptempo or while shuffling.
Experiment with how you shape it, with texture. Make it your own. Speak it, sing it; smile softly. Magnify the positive power of the message through movement. Even when completely still, you are moving. At the physical level, your one hundred trillion cells are highly active! Be still.
We humans are holographic mini-suns, right down to the super super tiny of us, at the quantum level. By this nature we are connected to and fed by SUN, as green plants are. We can choose to activate our awareness of this truth --- thus naturally be called forward to radiate our messages of Unconditional Love for ALL Life. To the benefit of ALL.
We are genius in hiding, with great love to share. Each of us matters and by choosing to change ourselves, we can change the world.
First, we must pause and breathe. Wake Up to What Is.