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Sep 2017
To query,
to ask the world weary
it worthwhile?
to have a quiet smile and
think we'd have done more,
so ******' easy.

So fukin' do it
get off your arses and show me

but I fukin' knew it,
you're full of **** and orange juice

what's the use
what's the use.

I'm confused unlike you
who seem to know precisely
what to do

I never knew and if I did
I've forgotten how
I have lived

glued on bits that fell
made a shell in
which to hide
came out and
and failed and tried
and lived
while others died
you with the quiet smile
couldn't walk a yard never mind
a mile in my shoes.

Could I have done more?
could I have lived more?
definitely and
knowing this makes
me infinitely
more grateful
that I am what you see,
that I am to be me

but worthy of fixing.
John Edward Smallshaw
Written by
John Edward Smallshaw  68/Here and now
(68/Here and now)   
     Em MacKenzie, Keith Wilson and Jackie Mead
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