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Sep 2017
I dream of monsters
The kind that haunts us
The kind that bites
They nip at my feet
They whisper in my ear
They wish for my defeat

I dream of monsters
They comes alive at night
They drag me from my bed
Into the darkest corners of my mind where I fear to tread
Where the fester, where they hide

I dream of monsters
They use my mind as their canvas
Painted memories spill across my eyes
The thick paint drips into my heart
Worry, fear, anxiety bubble and fester in the puddles
They splash far too close to the surface
That I might lose balance and fall

I dream of monsters
I can feel the monsters clawing at my feet
Begging for us to meet
Yet The more I run the more I see
But I can not stop
No that can't be
For if I do I'm not sure what will become of me
I might just fade away

I dream of monsters
That I hope won't stay
I pray and pray for them to go away
Yet each night we meet once again

I dream of monsters
That someday I'll meet
I'll look them in the eye
And we'll go out for a treat
But for now I ask for your patience
For now I'm not strong enough yet
But someday I'll be
Maybe then we'll have tea
Written by
Leanna  19/F/United States
(19/F/United States)   
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