Looking back see where I was Lost in translation Voice silenced by noise So much fear and anxiety Consuming life Not sure wanted to live Not sure I could die Stuck in limbo of heart and mind Found ways of hurt to self medicate Too many pills Destructive measures Toxic relationships Carried around the remnants of those breaking treasures A lot of work to heal the wounds Another view Holistic route Couldn't go on with no sense of worth Too many years felt dead from birth Shy child scared to talk Wanted to listen Thought my opinions be retort Joked about the shyness Thought **** it I'll speak Whatever I did was seen as weak Still have a way to go But now I hope Instead of wallow Heart made hollow to fill back up Feel my love is a steady cup In time may overflow Be myself Not feel obliged to run with the herd Accepting difference Wanting to make it so Help those who relate Have faith to grow Might not seem much even if it's just To share words about lonely worlds Others may know not so alone