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Jun 2012
If this is the last poem I will ever write,
Maybe this last time, I will get it right.
If this be the last poem you will ever read,
Maybe after such, will you do your deed,
And tell’st to all the folks who live without sound,
Living carelessly inside their own unknowing bounds.

For this is indeed the last poem for one to regret,
Oh, undoubtedly will never this I forget.
For a poem is but merely a coalition of this and that; all but mere words,
Only to forsake in the burden of misinterpretations of the general herd.
Oh, what is but speech too, when one is two,
Should I mouth one word and mean another to you.

What is a man who speaks one and means another to you?
Tell me then, what is, what is a man who fails to speak true?
So, then in the midst of his heart may his true word lies,
Only to spill to you the frills of his mere ungrateful lies.
So, please take a’mind that he regrets to speak,
The words of hurt and coldness that he had leak.

Oh, may the greatest of trees nest the horrid fungus and sin,
Then find’st that great man who will honor his kin.
Then find’st that great man who will eat so heavenly true,
And live the greatest life before his passing time is due.
Then find’st that great man who will give that faithful trust,
Before his gallant knight self will turn a’rust.

And if before you he stands, might it be not me,
But let merely this heart wish that happiness be.
But if is indeed this idiotic author you chose,
He is unforgivingly torn to have your heart be bruise.
And hope that never will he again speak one,
And mean a different another in a stupid pun.
And tell you that he treasures you so dearly,
And forever to hold you in heart sincerely.

If this is indeed the last poem I will ever write,
Maybe this time, I will read it to you right.
The title is a reference to the artist David Cook's song, "The Last Song I'll Write For You" in which he says "The lyrics talk about saying goodbye to a chapter of your life. Just like a girl breaking up and closing a chapter in life..."
Jay M Wong
Written by
Jay M Wong
   Tana Young
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