There are two sorts of shadows in this world. The shadows at night that are the mere inky blackness of objects and the spaces between them, and these are not shadows to be feared. These are the shadows you know and feel comfortable with and which do not prickle your skin or hitch your breath. The other shadows however, the ones which elicit such a reaction, these are the shadows you should fear. They have a presence, an omniscience and they watch you. If you walk into your room tonight and feel your stomach tighten, and now the prickle along your skin, is not from the cold, or should you feel that the quiet of your house is not an empty one but one which is waiting, leaden and strange, I suggest, dear reader, that you leave. Do not peer into the corner. Do not shake your head and convince yourself that all is as it should be. For the shadows which watch are the shadows which ****. And tonight, you have every chance of finding one.