We daily toil, spoil and sometimes boil Yet it’s still not enough We cry, mourn, **** and curse Cause we couldn’t get enough of it We frown, hide and tell lies Because we think we don’t have what others think we have in abundance
Call it dollar, name it naira Whether pounds or shillings Yen or euro, money or gold It’s still not and will never be enough
Everyone wants to be a millionaire The millionaire wants to be a billionaire The billionaire wants to be a multi billionaire From the poorest to the richest We are all searching For that piece of paper and metal that is never enough
Like the ground that is never tired of feeding on us So we daily feed on money And still yet want more money For we can’t get enough of this thing we love so dearly
It is never enough And will never be enough For it was meant never to be enough So give what you can Save all you can Eat what you can And thank God for all you have