Awake in the night listening to rain Well placed ice packs when feeling the strain Spacing those tents to ensure a safe distance Getting it right aides coexistence.
Welcoming all with smiles and sweets Giving assurance with replies on repeat Directing the lost with maps and good grace Shifting the freezers to maximise space
Finding the child who wandered from mum Keeping kids safe while ensuring their fun Spraying the sinks and mopping with vigour Trying and failing to pull down that zipper
Queuing for showers at early 5.30 Teens these days don't tolerate *****. Whenever you need them they'll sort out the flushes And when the loo blocks they'll get out the brushes.
These are the heroes of New Day each year Whenever you see them give them a cheer Enjoy your time with us, have a real blast We're all here for Jesus - the first and the last.
New Day Generation is a teen camp in Norfolk, UK. It's under canvas, the facilities are supported by volunteers. Real heroes.