You even though I chased and fought any number of your demons I was still denied that which I held most dear and prized more than The materialistic manifestations of it in the forms gifts Even the sweet taste of your essence and entrance into the venue you hold most sacred Couldn't compare to that of your true affection something so pure that it could be given physical form so easily if I were to dive inside so unprotected But to much I digress it was not my own The journey for it grew tired All though I put every ounce of my being in this Emotion I call the drugs of all drugs I am left with nothing the affection I once had for this queen has faded the oasis of love barren for an eternity But now she tries to refill or re quinch this long forgotten thirst but now it has faded Been petrified and wiped off the face of the earth so now she longs for something she denied herself of a long time ago and in doing that she deprived her self of the one thing she searched for all her life .this fruit she deprived of nutrients has withered. Now a seed grows waiting for another's to help it blossom in to what it had always was seen to be ...magnificently put that potency and hypnotic form of drug we call love