A Poet to be who was in bed thinking lying down Eyes focused in the room looking all around He wrote down some words But the question within him how will he be heard A Poetry Festival was coming to his town A new approach that had been found The Poet prepared some of his writings to the test He wanted to make sure they were his very best It will be poetry to read having inspiration to proceed Oh the thought in deed The Poet became an actual Poet No longer being a Poet to be The audience witnessed themselves in applause and they did see The Poet explained to the audience he never gave any thought in being a Poet It was something in the ceiling that gave him the idea As you can see he did preserver But I encourage anyone with a desire to write Unlock your mind with fear and don’t be uptight Take your time and watch as words accelerate Writing is never too late Let your mind tell you what to say Thinking in the moment is certainly ok Don’t hesitate in write, just expel in write Before you know it, you will find you were meant to be a Poet It was just having courage to show it A Poet I am and shall be Now I am making writing my life for all to see.