if we need another epidemic iʼll call the television and project it all this entertainment is worthless if we are ready to reject it self appointed alcoholics sort of miss the point of calling donʼt worry about the results when the tests are already expected before anything is done the outcome is already certain from behind the hidden curtain our politicians pull the strings so many unsavory morsels so many unapologetic beings so many activities Odysseusʼ journey Hercules and other heroic epics drastically broken dented and retrospective reflected in midnightʼs mirror beams of light shatter our vision if we wish to see clearer threads of burning filaments syntaxes simulate our impotence immolated indigents dissident disappointments disingenuous and feral felines blend with fragrances we miss nostalgic as donkeys for trysts and romances def poets despair at nothing how will we conquer these dinosaurs forever blinded by our prejudices weeks of dying roses seekers of the psoas bones and tendons robed in shadows stretched as tight as arrows the seeker bows down what if moses had drowned would his followers have had to run for cover seek your mother gift her another dragon's eye look for our brothers in words and stutters close the shutters rooms descend in escalators no one likes to let you fool around with their heart anymore