i've decided to live my life positively happy no more the victim of circumstance smile and do the best that I can, always Laugh my way through this merry dance
no need for more self pity there are many with less than I no more focussing on what could have been no childish tears left to cry
I am the master of my own fate my future, my destiny it does await so i'll rejoice in the love that i feel for my family, my friends, for they are real
I will venture into the big wide world with dignity, pride & truth as my guides my innate spirit is yet to be uncurled from deep within my soul it idly resides
everything is well within in grasp I believe in myself, finally, at last no need, in greedy hands, do i need to clasp insincere, negative energies that belong in the past
keep my eyes on the road ahead, I will focus and achieve my goal ignore words of spite, the less evolved have said get myself out of this hole
like attracts like, that is a basic concept and it is my fundermental belief, that I hold true Negativity I will forcefully reject in favour of experiencing what is underneath
for all humans have a heart and some a conscience aswell we are innocent at the very start blank pages in a biography, no need to hard sell I will greet each day with a loud Hello glad that I am alive and well I am positively happy, & a little mellow I forgive & release myself from this self imposed hell
I trust that the universe will provide for me all I need, to ensure I'm safe and happy as long as i'm not too needy nor too greedy as long as I no longer allow others to make me snappy
so today I place my cosmic order I would like the universe to take note a safe haven, love, prosperity & good health Please place me on cloud 9 and allow me to float