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Jul 2017
Inside her eyes, glimmering stars untamed,
Lands an unearthly angel born worlds apart,
O' lovely, fair maiden by which named,
Valentine of my dear little heart.
Enslaved are we all by her beautiful soul,
Yielding remembrances of a time passed,
Ordained to never once more be whole,
Until the space between us diminishes at last.
Summer roses alike our love must bloom again,
Had once wintered sheets consumed the land,
And within our hearts does it always remain,
Yearning but a kiss upon her hand.
Like rainfall, her next majestic decent we wait,
Yet in her absence, we adore still with certainty,
No distance for the heart can separate,
A pretty face that haunt us for all eternity.
Destined then, to neither be tranquil nor sane,
As life's unfair course leads us wherever,
Must yesterday's memories never grow wane,
Shall I love through it all, always and forever.
Jay M Wong
Written by
Jay M Wong
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