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Jun 2017
Lost, yet losing another battle
Amongst many mannequins
But the agony doesn't settle
Coz the desire ignites more sins

We fight ourselves and give a way
For others to take over the place
Yet mind and heart beg to stay
To compete in the popularly race

Love is such a challenge, for
Mankind to keep it flourished
Most seen and saw many hearts tore
As flushed eyes stare astonished

Slitting wrist and overdosing mayhem
Serve as a culture to those grievers
Sadist rhythm and sour anthem
Twist their minds, forget retrievers

Like a new epidemic leashed out
And the entire planet, a test ground
Goons, gruff and celebrate about
At the new prototype that roams around

Pointing fingers at others in blame
Raising conflicts, to more lethal levels
To brainwash everyone, their only aim
And these are the real devils

Controlled by trotting wealthiers
We're shot with some ridiculous vaccine
Spilled lies, of life based on certain healthiers
Change the channels, in news it's all seen

Yet, believing the media is another slot
They only show the entertainment bit
The reality is edited and maybe reshot
And the channel becomes a hit

Dummies are we, to unknown users
Our daily lives residue normality
How great are these leading looters
Who shake hands to fulfill, formality!

Written by
Seema  41/F/Fiji Islands
(41/F/Fiji Islands)   
         Kim, Cné, ---, Jobira and Eleni
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