his love of mac n' cheese often outweighs the capacity of his seven year old stomach but valiantly he labours so his loveΒ Β is not lost his belly becomes drumlike and his visage narcoleptic as he falls into slumber one hand clutching the fork the other curled protectively around the bowl, with still at least a third of his ***** gleaming in a viscous mountain of golden sunshine goodness... cooling rapidly to a solid mass but still when we try to remove his now completely sombulant body he clutches his golden ***** to his chest. like a pirate in the story's he has been told unfotunately the result of this myclonic clutch is a gluggy macaroni mess down his front and in his crutch
so now, we have no mac'n cheese a grumpy pirate too sleepy/ cranky to please, a running bath and washer too and the devon rex cat, no longer the blue but the tuxedo black scoffing down cheesey glue, from the floor ... whilst the irritable pirate is crying (read bellowing) for more