I try to expand explode my mind to canvass all that I can.
I try to explore seeking deep and new truths and bring them back for all of you,
but ignorance is a balloon crowding me out of my own room infringing upon the brilliance I spawned. Till, breaths become yawns, and then I am gone.
The earth becomes flat. Evolution ends now. Truths become lies and lies become alternative facts.
Till I take my last gasp and my chest collapses with the agony of being me, alone.
The balloon does not burst, but hurts worse as it spreads like a plague, plans to invade, conquers the day, making love and peace flee before thee, and celebrating the bombing of too many cities.
Death tolls do not close like bad polls they grow till no one knows what truth even sounds like and I become the last man alive in a zombie flick.