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Jun 2017
Days go by,
with morning suns and midnight moons,
as your spirit dances
to an old man's tune.

Life for you,
never so serene has it appeared
until now in your old age,
when you've truly let go.
of what you feared

You've traveled so long,
and you've never stopped,
carrying bittersweet memories
with each golden token you've dropped.
Seen the world,
in its pure beauty and sin,
felt the pain of losing,
in every place you've been.

Yet you continue your lifelong journey,
of finding the unfound,
never giving up on living,
not for any situation or problem,
in which you were bound.

Dreams unfulfilled,
were littered broken in your road,
yet you kept on going
with renewed hope.
For life is not to be regretted,
but to be loved.
For old age is never to be feared,
but to be enjoyed
Written by
Marian Kutra  18/M/Albania
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