I peruse exhibits through the modern art museum Nails hammered into wood And trash strewn on the floor I couldn't help thinking What the **** is this ****? These can't be the champions of modern art Moonlight and Arrival morphed my empathy and perspective The theater is fine Music is there for those inclined to discover it So what about visual art? I know a few things for certain Nails hammered into wood never changed my perspective Nor does seeing a garbage can in a museum affect my empathy Trash is not art Trash is trash Waste meant to be thrown in the proper receptacles So as not to obstruct our view of true beauty
I will concede that Beauty can be found in everything Depending on analyzation variation But those that live an examined life Constantly see silver linings and sour grapes Experiencing comfort in tundras to the point of banality Those visions are much more interesting in their organic state anyway As opposed to an interpersonal expression of the seemingly obvious
So what to hang in an art gallery? I have my own opinions At this point in time No visuals elicit more emotions Than dank memes
When I'm consuming art Questions are innate in my consumption Is this a vessel for empathy? Is this examining the human condition? Dank memes meet those criteria Satirizing the powerful Highlighting emotions and virtues in ourselves That we're either proud or ashamed of Memes share a common thread with poetry In the sense that everybody can create memes Or be a poet I get the impression that Universality of art diminishes it's importance In the minds of patrons There's an element of truth to that But what makes art special is quality And what makes art truly special is high quality And that's what belongs in museums