when will i learn that love is not late night phone calls, perfectly designed to hide your face.
when will i learn that love is not glances through tinted windows, and secrets only told through fingertips.
when will i learn that love is not a game to see who can last the longest under hot water.
when will i learn that love is not a game of truth or dare while god giggles in the corner, love is not the exit strategy to existence, love is not a band aid or a blanket and love is not a cure. love is not anything that i have ever seen or felt or touched or known.
but i think it might exist within that two second silence we shared after you told me how you wish you could come home to me every day. i think it might be buried underneath the miles. i think it might be found underneath your front porch.
i was writing this about a man and before i finishhed i realized i didn't know what color his eyes were and i gave up trying to define what the **** love is i don t know and i should stop trying to know