My hammock swings escaping from a highway of life hurrying On to your caring tree trunks hanging With orchestras of cicadas noisily serenading
The cool breeze anaesthesizes My thoughts that’ve climbed some distant ridges At home in the shattered temple, unconsummated promises At peace now in modesties that only time did bless
Within the underground cathedral lie: The mind’s a hermit of hidden truths he’d prophesy The will’s a gallant warrior refusing to die The heart’s a playful child chasing a butterfly
Along the banks of rivers clear I weave broken lines from silk spun, the caterpillars believe to wait in purgatories of gold-laden chrysalises, then leave resurrection is heaven as wood-nymphs emerge and live
When waters flow beneath the bosoms and bowels of the earth The wizards in rendezvous, solace in endless mirth Shadows of misty mornings embrace your trees - all heights and girth I shall rest, heart in mind, that death’s a reality, as natural as birth.
This poem has been inspired by the beautiful forest, wildlife and caves along the banks of Lalangawan River, in Cavinti town, in the province of Laguna in the Philippines.