Come to me. your inscribed slashes of verse branded upon the juice of my tongue a specter of the ultimate gift as we allow the magic to rise and peel off in swathed, aching layers, undone Each stratum of dermis shed is a prayer for our succulent redemption Each shadow of silky cuttlefish caress a plea for sanctity or perhaps simply being loved into a frenzy of sanity healing in waves of electric eyes You open me like a holy book and I am suddenly filled with light as you unlock the blessings from my spinal fluid and I am a priestess on her altar arms raised, love braised into slick-lit wonder a spiral cone rising from ground to crown chakric palette pulsating phosphorescent ripples on deep-sea creatures Your ubiety slakes my naked, somatic anatomy a mere shelter for our souls a working of muscle and skin with heart strings pumping the essence within Our brainwaves sizzle in glandular fire as pheromones envelope us like incense This goes far beyond the wet cuntflush of desire beyond the embellishment of moistened sword It is the sacred dance of souls that merge before even touching pre-verbal animal first light of mankind in ancient swells of earth that rise like sparks the constellations of firework chimes in arcs of chiseled dark
Thanks to the poet who gave me this music choice! LOVE it.