Like a seed I was sown In a soil deep and dark hopeless and helpless Like a prisoner in a dungeon At the mercy of the guard Keep me or discard me My fate uncertain Till the day of harvest Alone in the midst of fellow inmates Sentenced for life Observing their state A tiny hope filtered into ribs Fed via a tiny hose My only source of strenght I slept in darkness And rose in darkness Counting my pulses Hoping one day to see my kind But like the plumule I had just one target - the exterior Waiting impatiently for the set time Suddenly I heard a sound The prison gate thrown wide open But still I couldn't get out From the other side I heard a deep voice 'At the count of three, push' 'One... two... three' Whoever did the pushing I knew not All I knew was that I was out at last Though in the hands of the commander But that bothered me no bit After all for the first time My innocent eyes saw the light Tears followed a path down my cheek I'm sure they wondered why I wept Tears of joy of course If only they knew my ordeal These uncertain weeks In my quiet heart I whispered Free at last!