When alternate and mutually Exclusive realities are constantly Coincident in our mind it has the Strange is it not effect that the This miracle comes to be seen as Most normal and ordinary...
In the Mysterious Stranger Mark Twain Said (paraphrase) Of the world he had Seen the "dream marks" were apparent To those ready to see them everywhere Then he knew that that that the dream Was his and he was the dreamer of it Alone forever and that it would ever Be up to him to dream better dreams.
It has been reported in a scientific Journal that at Ypsilanti State, a Mental hospital that there were Two inmates that had identical Delusions that they were Jesus Christ. So in the cause of science Deciiide in much the same manner As boy who throw the cat by the Tail to see what will happen put The two patients together in the Same room. They were waiting To see if there would be a bang And were surprised, disappointed No doubt that nothing happened Except that the men got along. So at least at a mental hospital in Michigan it seems possible for at Least two crazy men to have the Same dream neither claiming Exclusive possession for himself/