I've run away before. Not for an overly good reason. But because I didn't know what else to do.
I had no ID, no licence, no accessories. Nothing that could possibly describe who I am or what I've done.
So I ran. I went to the end of the block and turned right... And the right again. And again.
I ran around a block, but still ran in a circle.
Back to where I started.
My mouth dry, legs weak, heavily breathing and sweating out the 15th fever this week, and it's scary to not have a justifiably good reason to be here or to run off.
I want to scream until singing is a lost memory but I would not do that here. Not when I still have enough energy to cry.
And I do cry. More than I should. More than anyone should ever have to.
Running in the middle of the street not even close to being scared of the cars speeding down the pavement.
And yet, there are no cars on the road. Open. Empty. Nothing.
I do want to disappear sometimes. But I wouldn't do that now. My suffering is already a public hanging nobody watches.