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May 2017
Since times Immemorial
Mankind has held on to Memories
Of All kinds .

Carbon dating has been done
On Some
In the Caves of lost Civilisations
Still ,deeply etched on the Rocks
To Which ,
Weather has never played a Spoilsport.

Heirloom Jewellery,
Antique paintings and Artifacts
Passed down the generations
Well Preserved.

With the Advent of Technology
Memories made
Whenever & Wherever.

Saved , Deleted, Retrieved

You name it & It is done
Print or Digital
All Fun .
Have been making a lot of memories with family, extended family and some old friends. :)
A little inactive on HP, lately.
Sarita Aditya Verma
Written by
Sarita Aditya Verma  48/F/Pune, India
(48/F/Pune, India)   
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