Don't say. . .that you don't have enough time left in your life because you have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Bill Gates, Vincent Van Gogh, Albert Einstein, and Thomas Edison.
Don't say. . .that you are alone because if you can make friends with yourself you will never be alone.
Don't say. . .that you have felt everything that you are going to feel and from here on out you are not going to feel anything new but only lesser versions of what you have already felt because you feel that you can't survive the reality of the past.
Don't say. . .that you can't dance for laughter or dance for tears and that you won't dance for hopes and dance for screams because we are the dancers and we create our dreams.
Know how important it is to dream and realize that you can't do something if you can't imagine it, so dream your dreams. Jon York 2017