Someone recently wrote that ‘Love Has No Color’ I disagree:
Love is the deep blue of the ocean It is the pink of my dog’s tongue Love is the orchid colors of my daughter’s bedroom And the blacks my son wears to theater
Love is mocha, pale, ebony, and tan It is emerald, sapphire, chestnut, and jade Love is honey and straw, pitch and caramel
Love is cherry blossom walks It’s painted deserts It’s shimmering skyscrapers And the intense greens of triple canopy jungles
Love is the color of your first car And your girlfriend’s prom dress
Love is stained glass Bright green Christmas trees And the Easter dresses Of the church that you call home
Love is your alma mater’s jerseys And NOT your rival’s It’s shimmering fireworks with friends And the long rays of the sun from a folding chair in the sand