Loss That's what they call it, Or mourning, But I've lost before and I've mourned Before Yet never ever Known pain like this
Pragmatic, That's me to a tee, Yet pragmatism ain't cutting it This time Because I fear and I feel Your departing Before the decision Or announcement made
And it hurts! Oh sweet Lord it hurts, In ways I cannot clamp down, Or externalise or Stop the feeling of, A crippling ******* Of sobbing deep inside Where none can see
And you're reading our poems Which might be hope Or might be farewell I just don't know, And not knowing is bad enough At any time but this? This matters so much more, This is killing me
Objectively I know we should part, Objectively I know you'll struggle Because you love and desire me On so many levels, And to not have me would ****, Yet is it enough my sweet? Is it enough To save you n me?
And if not? If not enough? If I lose you to another, If I never get to hold you, Make love with you Fill you with my love and All I am? How do I then live?