Thurston started off easy enough With the simple slurping of Sippy cups But soon enough moved on the the bigger stuff When Sippy cups didn't do the job
He constructed a straw three feet long Though Thurston was thirsty he wasn't that tall So he could reach the kitchen sink As Mom did the dishes Thurston could drink
Soon the sink was not enough So Thurston moved on to the bathroom tub You would think that that would be too much As Thurston rub a dub dub'd and drank it all up
From there he moved to the aquarium As he watched the fish around him swim As they watched their world go sinking in To the glass reflection of Thurston's grin
With an inch of water left he left them alone As he spied outside the retention pond That's when Thurston's thirst came on strong And he dropped everything he had going on
Once he had the pond drunk dry Thirsty Thurston heard the waves nearby Dare he even give the ocean a try His answer was yes to the question of why
Though Thurston did give a pause Along with a bit of a thoughtΒ Β Before he left he went out and bought The makings for a longer straw