A super 8 film Flickers on the screen; Sprocketing film sounds Comforting in black and white.
One clip:
A boy in chef hat Dances gleefully with spatula At a barbecue with family. Memories made visible with Backyard in background.
He looks like a chemist in the wading pool Water sploshed from bottle to bottle. There he is, happily pulling tails of kittens. Perhaps a future biologist?
There he is:
In line with nine siblings And matching striped pajamas Running to rip presents open From happy boxes under the tree.
Year to year, The siblings age; Black and white turns technicolor. Pops shoots more movies.
A baby falling over; A sly smile to the camera; Chocolate covered lips at Easter. And always a shot of mother smiling.
Who will chef-hatted spatula dancer Chocolate lipped- Proto-scientist Future clown grow to be?