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Apr 2017
Please don't hurt me
I don't heal well
Sometimes my heart aches
My mind goes through hell
**** my head is talking
Its voice driving me insane
It's a dull lifeless voice
Just droning in my brain
I close my eyes there's darkness
I don't like being here
I know I'm being stupid
For there's nothing here to fear
I should open my arms and welcome
Not put myself in a cage
Not lock away my anger
For the anger may turn to rage
Great here's that voice again
Drilling into my brain
Please don't drill to deep
For the droning may drive me insane
I close my ears from the world
Stop telling me what to do
I bet if you look at your past
You'll see that you've been here too
Gotta snap out of this sadness
Hee hee here's that voice again
Digging deeper and deeper
Aahh starting to coarse me pain
Gotta get myself together
I wish I knew what to do
Please stop this voice that's in my brain
Much more of this and I'll go insane
Hee hee hee to late
A peom written long ago
Debbie Brindley
Written by
Debbie Brindley  51/F/Perth, Australia
(51/F/Perth, Australia)   
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