it is time my friend to put my thoughts on paper... to write you
what my tongue denies what my heart screams in the middle of the night
it is time to speak in the words etched upon my bones to give light to this seed with in my soul
even as the ink blots the paper my fears rise, and my courage quivers to give this entity the substance of words
is to give it the power of freedom or destruction but I am weary, so weary from carrying its burden through this long peroid of gestation, I am beyond beyond trying to carry this thing with grace and have now become a lumbering leviathan treading heavily through each day,not evolving or creating, just barely exsisting
So, if it be freedom, there will be relief if it be destruction there will be release
No more dallying, No more delay
You left, You died
leaving us behind no recompense no answers just a ***** room and unpaid bills You, You, walked out of life,
without finishing the conversation without any explanation without care for others without thought for self
You told us nothing You hid your hurt till it was to late late
And tho I WILL LOVE YOU til the end of my days
Now, I hate....
I hate you are not here I hate that I did not see I hate that you did not ask I hate the incompleteness of it all
So my friend, I write this to you... then make it into a paper boat that I set on the waters before lighting it afire in the hopes it will bring freedom
Napowrimo 2017...letter poem NB ...I am fine...this is an older poem that needed to see the light of day... it was time