Career churchmen, paid to guide lead new-found converts to abide in dull consumeristic stupor, promises of living water vanishing like desert pools and luring onwards thirsty fools who glimpse oases, there to find dry carcasses of humankind evaporation, drought and death. You think you found it? Save your breath. The springs of life become a puddle where theologies befuddle: muddy, stagnant, barely damp how different from St. Jacob’s camp where heaven opened in a dream— unlike this churchy marketing scheme.
Strike this cloud we labor under ! Let it pour. Let Luther thunder. Where is Calvin’s sovereign grace and where the omnipresent face of Christ enthroned in holy splendor ? When will our divine defender clear the record, end confusion bring to a final, just conclusion Babel, His dismembered body— (can I get a witness, anybody?)
NaPoWriMo #12
Spare me the free verse. Try writing something rhythmic! (Haiku overdose).