Silver fur glistening beneath waning moonlight Creeping shadows slithering like crumbling granite Decaying trees of withering bark concealing silent assassins Surrounding their prey with glowing fangs of dripping acid
Blood mist of clouding poison clinging to victim's lungs An unsettling fog of fear chasing like pounding drums Swirling haze of endless chaos embedding natural instinct Inevitable starving darkness dealing choking death instant
Lost within a labyrinth of gnarled trees a young boy travels alone Beneath the cruel twisted branches, under a cold graphite moon A deep ancient anger growls from deep within the forest Haunted roots draw from tainted soil of hatred nourished
Jet black fur concealed by silky midnight manes Pulling carts of flickering lanterns and leather reins A silhouette clutching the sinking depths of the abyss Rattling chains reverberating off thoughts forging apocalypse
Chilling howling rendering through the still night air Ominous rustling leaves playing instruments of despair The pounding of small footsteps and the rasp of rapid breathing Followed by creatures snarling, the scrape of metal and piercing screaming
The wretched path twists and turns, ends of the infinite maze meet A child stands face to face with silver wolves without retreat The thundering of crystal hooves rumbles in the stormy distance Stallions invisible in the night reveal their secret existence
Natural beings of silver and silk, flesh and bone Dragged into a work of art more rugged than solid stone Within this forest only one creature can be heard playing a tune The silver wolves singing their song beneath the graphite moon
Graphite [January 1, 2017] Category: Fiction/Fantasy/Short Story/Gemstone Series II. A boy is lost within a dangerous forest, chased by wolves and all that exists is painted by the “graphite moon”.