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Apr 2017
Steam rolled down the hall
Invitation of an open door
Your sigh of incitement whispered
Kisses burnt between lovers
Hot water cascades down your back
Beads of desire
Washing off my fingerprints from the night before

Your aroma danced in the dust of a new day
Hot coffee caressed your lips
Detached from the now
Sunlight glistened in your eyes
That spark of moonlight lingered
The silence of dawn filled the air

The evolution of an afterthought
Cautiously optimistic
I wrapped myself in the flames of never
Divulging in a feeling
You left scars on my thighs
I enjoy the burn

Secrets stream from the walls
Like decades of nicotine
The stains remain upon my soul
A meant to be lover
I keep a lighter in the drawer
A night like this
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