She was a composition sketch of his needs for love and wants of lust the perfect dream of sea mist and honey drips a kind gentle hand to hold and soothe broken bones and caress his heart and a body of fire and sin to push his flesh through desperation and fill his mouth with eager hunger and spill the satisfaction of desire to soak deep into his skin a painting tattooed under the skin of his soul and a song in the rhythm of his pulse perfect beauty in the black and grey and white photograph with dark secrets dancing in the mystery of her eyes and the art of seduction seeping from the curves of her lips and he was lost between the reality that he would never know the bliss of licking the poison off her lips and the indulgence of letting his imagination print films of love and forever tangled with thier bodies as they tumbled and fell between sheets of lust and pillows of sweet whisperd words and he sketched her name and wondered if he was real or was he just made up of words from someones imagination