I know it's late, but I'm At home alone with A couple of six- Packs and a guitar and the Love of my life just gave That Old ******* Cancer the finger, so I'm
Drinking and playing and Singing until my liver, Fingertips and throat are Bleeding Since the radiation and Chemo don't have to Make her bleed any
More, and I've got something to celebrate Unlike anything I thought I Ever would in a life that I mistakenly thought of As rich until This.
I look out of my window at Stars and a moon that Pretend not to Give a **** in their Neutral shining and stuff, And I'm less poet than lover. I've got all night
For this evening. It's mine, and like All else that is: Hers. I know she's with friends. I know she laughs. I hope she misses me less Than I do her,
And just celebrates her Beautiful new Lily-like blossoming into Deathlessness. It's as alien to her As Life to a Newborn.