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Mar 2017
it was at this point
I started running
because there was no way
three more numbers
were going to get
his temper/ rage
back into the box

that was the age
that I learnt the effect
of a fast moving patella
aimed at a *******

twenty nine
the number if times
that story has been told

forty three
that'sΒ Β where he caught up
with me with a crash tackle
splitting his lip and my eyebrow
in the completion of it

thirty two
the number of stitches we got
me 14, him 18

the number if days
we where grounded
no tv, no visitors

the times
I have used
that manoeuvre
since then

the visable scars
we still have.....
the first time I kneed my brother in the groin......
Written by
betterdays  F/east coast australia
(F/east coast australia)   
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