Ocular cavities were vacant in slumbering, for when the twilight of death exhales on nightfall, they exhumed from there cages of waking moments, eye lashes no longer bars of there keeping. Now pliable in there movements, optic nerves were there renderings. Staring at the dismay of there awaking, they ventured upon a world a static silence and they hungered to visualize.
They looked upon each others vision, heads of ocular circumference gazed as if in headlights. Leaning so slightly distorted from the others leaning opposites of others motions. Inclinations were observed as a scurrying ventured with there distance and they attained to have this morsel as a pet. Each mimicking steps as if symbiotic in motion, this new addition to what was perceived and many that walk the halls in the censorship of volume.
The night wove upon there longing to visualise that not seen in the slumber times. Many had gathered upon there motions upon cold floor boards. But they became restless in the motion and knew what must become of those in there care. That which was there reason for vacating there prison to feast upon others sight. One after another each insect was now unfulfilled of pools of view, now vacant tomes of emptiness.
Littering the floor some static others roaming in abandoned motions, colliding upon another they vented out. No guilt was seen in this pools of blue as they watched until the last one became as the others hollow of life for it had bled tears of dismay upon the floor. But time is a ***** who peals of in front of you never regaining what had parted. Light was echoing its arrival through undisclosed segments not hindered it shone abundantly.
Without thought, instinct took over as they ascended upon the bed quilt. Moments were corroding in front of them as light motioned towards an awakening. But they clambered in slight motions to not awaken the exhaled slumbering's. As each opened the bars, so gently so not to observe in hollow pockets there undoing. They inserted themselves once again into this confinement, knowing that they would have no motion only seeing what they saw prisoners of reality.
As they awoke eyes feeing dry, drops descended into this pools to awaken them, and in confusion a insect leg teared outwards. Curious he motioned with silent expressions. Unseen to him under the dresser was the killing spree of the slumbering time. No glasses did they were 20/20 vision they could see like a hawk. But unbeknown is the fact that others pay for this precious gift of sight. For one must consume others pools, your have skeletons deep within yours. But you'll never know, for what happens at night are vacant visions that see things differently you know.