Equal, equality... It is not enough to think that all men, all people, are created equal. For true equality to exist it must come at the constant strive and struggle to maintain equality among all. Let not anyone fall down without being picked up, let no one go without shelter or food or kindness or compassion. If we are able to help the less fortunate it is our responsibility to do so and those in need should never be meet with shame or guilt. Life is not about fair or unfair and the only fate we should have to meet in this life is to give and receive love. If we are not lifting one another we are not striving forward, if we are not attempting to meet eye to eye and heart to heart we are not holding hand to hand of brother to sister to mother to child to father to stranger to friend to push against the struggle of the great injustices that still exist in a world where there is no reason for them to exist at all. Equality should no longer be a dream, it should not be a prayer dripping from our ****** lips with hands clasped with bruised knuckles. We should not be kneeling on our broken knees anymore asking the sky to save us and shower us with the sweet promise of grace to one another. We should be standing on our feet and moving forward as we lift and hold each other up in the earnest pursuit of true equality. It is through acts of kindness and generosity and compassion and empathy that we find we are all human and we all suffer together and we are all in this struggle together. It is within the beat of our hearts we can find the common thread that unites us all to love and it is with love we will find and keep equality.