Blue is the best color The water of the ocean The water of the sky Why in this world Should I have to lie
Blues in all hues Coloring waters Coloring sad souls Creating music When feeling like dying Although never more alive
However, what of the next World that will come Colors of sky Colors of sea Can you imagine What they will be
Kalish perhaps, or ****** Or hooloovoo all the lot Or another color I'm sure it will be Unknown to now, although A color of astonishment to see
The streets are of gold The light always shines God's glory fills all space But still left to wondering What color of the heavens And oceans deep for pondering
Is the grass grue or bleen Or made of little blades Of rainbows all around Once twirled upon Sparkling like jewels In the most lavish of crowns
Wondering now, Imaginings now Finding out soon enough Once we die and then rise Blinded by God's colors Through all of his eternity
From Wikipedia: "Kalish, a color in the ultraviolet range seen by Klingons in the Star Trek novel Pawns and Symbols"
****** is "every color of the rainbow, all at once" in the book The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles by Julie Andrews Edwards.[4]
Hooloovoo – a superintelligent shade of the color blue in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series by Douglas Adams.
Grue and bleen – colors that change after an arbitrary, but fixed time; coined by philosopher Nelson Goodman to illustrate what he calls "the new riddle of induction."[1]