What can you make from a broken heart? Does it mend together with invisible stitches, going back together perfectly Seamless like silk Does it come back with thicker skin that needs a bit more of time's love to come good once more Does it break like glass, loud and sharp, every piece ready to rip the rest of you up, never to be in its pristine condition again?
Can it go back into the rhythm it had, or is the beat out of sync, never hearing the song it used to sing, lost forever in time and space? Can a broken heart be nurtured back to something perfect? Is it lost? Or, can the broken heart be cradled, cocooned with new hands, giving it rebirth? How much time would that need? How much love, care?
Perhaps nothing can be done of the broken heart So it must be discarded. Maybe it cannot be so easily left in the dust, so new hands hold it, treasure it like its own, Maybe Just maybe It will beat again.