Two halves make a whole Two hearts join to become one soul Two eyes that see one truth We see different skies but take comfort in the same moon We promised to never leave the other alone, that the love would not be gone too soon Rejoicing in the moments from heaven, Comforting each other when hell breaks loose. Together through each others mountains and rivers.
Forbidden lust, forbidden love Two souls that are forced apart Two that yearn the others heart Accepting each others flaws One boy that’s far away from home, One girl that’s questioning her own
But half a heart is better than none cause it can always be completed by the chosen one, But half a heart is like half a sun Would it still be as bright as the full one? Would the love be the same knowing that the other is not as strong Why must these two hearts fight what’s in their souls This burning desire This passion they hold Why must they put the flame out and become cold Why waste away the hearts of others when they know the real future is with each other Why not combine their hearts to become whole, to become one soul.
But having half of anything is like having half of nothing at all It’s settling for half the love Yet it could be more Having half of love must be impossible, must be wrong -The world is only existent because of wholes One half cannot love for both One half cannot fathom growth. So why not have two halves of a heart Two broken souls Let the shattered remains of the other halves be the glue that makes these two people’s love whole Because why face the world as half a person When facing it as a whole is already near to the impossible
Two halves of a heart make a whole Two hearts join to become one soul But these two halves will never join These two people will face the world alone- together, but lonely, like two sides of a coin Not knowing the existence of humanity is dependent on whether they choose to love each other or choose to let it go. The existence of humanity is dependent on all our lost souls.
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