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Feb 2017
The teacher calmly sat in the dojo,
Waiting for his class to begin.
Seated on his cushion, he silently
Focused on the center within.

A student rushed into the building,
Stopped and gave a cursory bow,
And said, "Teacher, my goal has not
Been very clear to me until now.

"I want to master the martial arts.
What can I do to get there faster?
How many years does it take
A person like me to become a master?"

"Ten years," replied the teacher.
"Ten years? That can't be!"
The student exclaimed. "But I'll work hard--
Ten long hours a day! You'll see.

"If I practice and read and study
And work harder than all my peers,
How long then?" After a moment
The teacher replied, "Twenty years."

-by Bob B (2-28-17)

°An old tale retold here in verse
Bob B
Written by
Bob B
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