loved seeing your face knowing you fell asleep when you normally don’t hearing your laugh Recognising voice Before I knew you were there My failed attempts at sneaking up on you With every thought, I find how much I miss your humor
Our daily conversations; About everything. Opening up to you came so naturally The acceptance you showed Respect you exserted The confidence you gave me The positive outlook on life All things I learned Just by knowing you How easy the “L” word was to say Not many people do I say “I love you”
Although I can’t help but hate myself “ I let myself get attached. Without you I’m vulnerable. As I make impulsive decisions. I walk with my head up And act like everything is perfect. Im aware I only hurt myself; Wanting to be alone But longing to be alone with you. To tell you why I’m upset
Wanting to believe you When you said you loved me But with that expectation I find myself broken and alone. Although now; I know what I want Is what I can’t have
Continuing without you? Not only broken and alone
But the feeling of desire Once again; For someone I can’t have
No way to feel as optimistic As I once did around you Can’t bring myself to talk to anyone. Knowing they’ll misunderstand Staying occupied seems best; Avoiding the thought of you Being so passionately spontaneous Not passing up an opportunity Keeping myself busy Nervous at the mention of your name. Hoping to find you And that you’ll come home okay
I miss you. I love you. I just want you home Until then I’m counting the days Attempting to be happy and appreciative But with you gone; My happiness is as well It’s quite unfortunate how it all played out, The haircut,The uniform I’ve always supported your decision But it’s affecting me More than I thought it would I’m more proud of you than I’ve ever been of anything I know you’ll stay safe And you’ll come home happy I look forward to that
Just promise me something.. “Keep your shoes tied.”